Any dream interpreters out there?

So for a long while now I've been thinking about getting this out into the ether because I feel like the dream itself had some heavy significance. However I am far to self-conscious to go see a medium face to face about it. That being said, any faceless advice that drifts my way through comments on the internet would suit me just fine. I have had this dream only once but it was so vivid and real that I remember almost every detail even now about two years later. This is the entry from my journal:

Feb. 17th 2015

Over several days (it is a dream so I suspect it was actually years) the sun gradually grows brighter while the surface of the earth grows hotter. Humans must retreat indoors, or underground and seal off all windows, cracks and crevices. Eventually the light becomes to unrelenting that anything left in the sun burns.

When the heat finally tapers off, the temperature begins to plummet. Layers aid those left alive, but before too long even that is not enough. Frost and ice creep in anywhere they can as the negative degrees climb into the hundreds. By this point the remaining population has gone underground into massive bunkers which are interconnected through sealed tunnels.

Each time there is a change, the dream shifts to an image of the night sky where a single star out of a set brightens, illuminating the faint outline of an equilateral triangle. The sun and heat were the first change. The cold was the second change. The third and final change was assimilation of the dead. Everything that had died revived (regardless of how it was killed) and sought out anything still living like drones.

By the third change, the triangle in the sky was bright and something descended to earth through it. It wasn't a craft but some sort of portal transportation through light. Then He (or they, I'm not sure if there was more than one of what he was, or if I saw only Him) finds me. I don't know how I'm still alive, but I'm severely malnourished and barely able to move by the time He arrives.

I've barricaded myself in a room within a bunker somewhere miles below ground. The room is surrounded by revived corpses who give me away. The walls, the door, the earth and matter itself don't seem to mean to Him what they mean to me, and He is there before I can hope he doesn't find me. When I see Him, there is fear, and panic, and pleading but it doesn't matter.

“Emotion is a primitive mechanism.”

This thought pops into my head and I'm not sure if it's my own panicked mind racing, or Him somehow seeding thoughts in my head. He doesn't speak (He has no mouth to). Then he stabs me with a spear (or a weapon like a spear) to the gut. I am on my back paralyzed and I get the distinct impression that it is his influence that keeps me still to minimize the pain.

I die, but I continue to observe from a 3rd party 1st person perspective after my corpse assimilates like the rest. I watch Him, though I'm not really sure exactly what He does or where He goes. I think he looks something like an ancient Egyptian noble, though his skin a deep dark purple, and smooth but also patterned or marbled like granite. His skull is tall, and long, but not obscenely so. His chin bares a decorative cone beard often seen in depictions of pharaohs. His eyes are large, and also dark but glossy and bright with intellect. However they lack the emotional expression that I'm used to seeing in the eyes of other humans. I'm not sure if the thought of “emotions being primitive” means He doesn't have them altogether, or if He simply experiences them differently.

Either way, there is no animosity in his actions, but there is also no sympathy. He does what he is purposed to do, but he takes no pleasure in it. His expression never changes, though I am soothed as I observe His process.

Then the dream changes to a series of images that come so fast I don't remember most of them, but the one that sticks out is a disc shape with a yin yang pattern on it's surface. In the larger sections of black and white small orbs begin to form, and rotate until the images of two tiny embryos begin to form. The disk is then thrown out toward the horizon of a lush green world.

Shortly after I was awake.


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